0613 국제학술세미나

0613 국제학술세미나

  • 일시 : 2012. 6. 13(수) 15:00 ~ 16:40

  • 장소 : 인제대학교 도서관 영상세미나실

  • 참가인원 : 60명


Interior Design’s Social Compact

Barbara Anderson(Kansas State University, USA)

  1. Trends in Interior Design in the US
  2. Major Influences on the Profession:
  3. Globalization
  4. Integrated Design
  5. Ecological Responsiveness
  6. Technological Change
  7. Licensure for Interior Designers
  8. Aging Population
  9. Design for health and well-being


International Design Exchange Project

Hyung-Chan Kim(Kansas State University, USA)

What is International Design Exchange Project (IDEP)?

  • The International Design Exchange Project (IDEP) is an on-going collaboration design project between interior design program at Kansas State University and Sangmyung University at South Korea

The Purpose of IDEP are …

  • To institute the development of an exchange design project through virtual conference between interior design program at two countries
  • To expose both school students to global design issues and international design market
  • To provide an enriching international experience for students and faculty through a design project
  • To enhance students’ international design perspectives
  • To develop a better understanding of cultural differences
  • To develop collaborative teaching methods through virtual international conferences
  • To expose students to global design issues and international design markets.
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