0613 국제학술세미나

0613 국제학술세미나

  • 일시 : 2013. 6. 13(목) 15:00 ~ 17:30

  • 장소 : 인제대학교 신어관 501-2호

  • 참가인원 : 55명


Aging According to the Life Course Perspective

Kyonghee C. PINO(Texas State University, USA)

  1. Conceptual focus with DESIGN in mind
  2. how to think about problems, analytical tool, organize fragmented information
  3. Sociology:
  4. Theoretical perspectives : Structural functionalism – social roles/consequences / Social conflict perspective inequalities / Symbolic interactionism – meanings & variability
  5. Sociological imagination
  6. Social aging
  7. Age stratification
  8. Ageism

Housing for Aging in Place in the United States

Hyun-Ju Kwon(Purdue University, USA)

Aging population is growing in Asian, European and American countries. According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2009), the number of people age 55 and over will represent more than 30% of the total U.S. population by 2030.

As people get older, they may experience changes in family composition, health status and financial status, and their housing needs could change according to transitions in the life cycle.

Older adults are a diverse group and their residential environment for later life can be stimulated by several reasons. At the same time, significant number of older adults wants to independently remain in their current housing as long as possible and to maintain their lifestyle and culture. Designers should understand this global trend and needs of senior consumers.

This presentation will introduce supportive housing design for older adults’independent living in the U.S. It will include examples of appropriate universal design features and product selections that appeal to the older adults’ later life, especially when offered the option of living in single-family housing and multifamily housing. Students will learn about various residential environments for aging population in Western culture, and will have a chance to understand senior consumers’ needs in health and global aspects.

Discussion : Aging Friendly Design(고령친화 디자인)

  • 오찬옥(진행), Kyonghee C. PINO, Hyun-Ju Kwon

고령친화디자인은 고령자를 대상으로 정신적∙육체적 건강, 편익, 안전을 도모하기 위한 디자인.

노인이 편리하면 모든 사람도 편리하다는 취지하에서 편리성과 안전성에 입각하여 노인의 선호를 우선적으로 고려하는 디자인이다. 유니버설디자인에 입각한 노인공간 및 노인주택 디자인을 해나감에 있어 유념해야할 사항 등을 논의한다.

이에 헬스케어, 고령친화, 스마트 홈의 범위에 따라 질환관리와 건강관리를 위한 헬스케어기술을 적용한 고령 친화형 헬스케어 스마트 홈 디자인 기법 연구도 이루어져야 할 것이다.

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